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Offshore Survey Vessel




Following some development shipwreck hunting and research work back in 2016, we have now developed our capability and understanding of the survey market. 


Since then we have worked with the following companies on Survey projects






New Equipment for Survey Vessel


The two pole mounts can be used to mount, USBL transceivers, Sub Bottom profilers and Multibeam Sonars.  With our inhouse fabrication facilities we can manufacture adapters for any piece of equipment at a moments notice.


This capability along with options for towing sidescan sonars and magnetometers, makes the vessel a capable and flexible survey solution. Especially with the options for 12 charterers personnel we can provide an ideal base for 24 hour survey operations.


During trials we've found DSV Curtis Marshall uses as little as 15-20l/hr at survey speed of 5 knots making her an ideal survey vessel.




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